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The SVGtoPPT CLI can be used with Alfred 4 as a workflow for quick execution. It can also be found on Packal, a popular repository for Alfred workflows.



macOS icon

Tested with 10.15.7 (Catalina) to 12.2.1 (Monterey)

Alfred Powerpack Alfred icon

Tested with 4.3.2

£29 for single license

£49 for mega supporter

Libre Office

macOS icon

Tested with to


If you don't have Libre Office installed, SVGtoPPT can install it for you  🙂

Getting Started

  1. If you haven't yet, download & install Alfred with the button on their homepage
  2. Download the Alfred workflow file



  1. Double-click the downloaded workflow file to open it in Alfred, then select Import
  2. Launch Alfred (default is Cmd + Space)

Do you have Libre Office installed?

SVGtoPPT can install Libre Office for you.

Type or copy-paste this into Alfred followed by a space and a folder where you want to install SVGtoPPT:

svgtoppt install complete

If you want to install Libre Office yourself you can download it from their website or use Homebrew:

bashclass=underline brew install --cask libreoffice

Type or copy-paste this into Alfred followed by a space and a folder where you want to install SVGtoPPT:

svgtoppt install basic


  1. Launch Alfred (default is Cmd + Space)
  2. Type svg, a space, and the name of your SVG file or directory
  3. Select your file from Alfred's search results
  4. Workflow will work in the background and open the new PPT file in Keynote when finished
  5. Select all vectors Ctrl + A
  6. Copy (Ctrl + C) and paste (Ctrl + V) shapes to other Keynote presentations


The workflow contains environment variables you can change. They are equivalent to the flags offered by the CLI.

Name Default Value Description
input_svg none Filepath of the SVG file to be converted
template_ppt where SVGtoPPT was installed Filepath of the template PPT
output_directory Output directory where SVGtoPPT was installed Filepath of the directory where PPT files are output
ppt_name the name of the SVG file
(e.g. my_logo.svg becomes my_logo.ppt)
The name of the PPT file that is output
force_ppt false false : creates a new, unique PPT file each time a command is run

true : makes it idempotent; has the potential to overwrite an existing PPT file
where_to_open keynote Where the PPT file is opened in after it's created

Don't open: none
Apple Keynote: keynote
Microsoft PowerPoint: power
Libre Office: libre
Apache OpenOffice: oo

If you fill in the input_svg environment variable, you can run SVGtoPPT without having to type an SVG file. In that case, type svg into Alfred and hit return.